Tag Archives: connection

Giving Life with Our Words

We are never static relationally. Relationships are so infused within everything we do that we tend not to notice what’s really happening within them. Over time though, our tendencies become evident and we see whether we have been life-giving or not. 

Our lives are not passive, like journeying in a train. They are more like being in a car where we can’t take our hands off the wheel. We need to be aware of all that’s happening around us as we go. Continue reading Giving Life with Our Words

Our Deepest Longing

We are creatures that are made to give life. At every stage of our relating to others we are making choices which will either be creative and life-giving or destructive. The investment we make to create a positive, loving space is essential to our union with others. 

Intimacy starts with us, for we can only be as connected with another as we are able to value and trust ourselves. We will not be able to respect or love others if we have a low estimate of our own worth. Life batters and bruises all of us, but we are meant to persist with bringing light and healing to the world. Intimacy is a hard-won reality, but it is very worthwhile. Continue reading Our Deepest Longing

‘Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.’

Releasing others who have hurt us.

We are needing to view conflict in a different light. It is very much part of our lives, though for all of us it tends to have negative connotations. It really has not been developed by us into something we feel skilled at, so most times we just want to avoid it at all costs. However, since conflict is in all of us, historically and each new day, we need to start to view it more creatively and to engage with it more constructively as something that can transform us. Continue reading ‘Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.’

Unless you become like a little child…

A meeting of words and messages

Have you noticed that young children don’t’ ask, ‘How are you? ‘They are simply present, engaging as is true for them. Their words, tone, and body language are consistent.

All of us have been habituated into clichéd questions and answers for initial connections. These can be superficial or a stepping point into something deeper. Continue reading Unless you become like a little child…