Tag Archives: unconditional love

Fences and Frameworks

Risking a deeper level of trust

Though conditional love has been in the framework of our existence, deep in our cellular system we know that somehow unconditional love is possible. However, when we think of it, this can sound so amazing that it may move us into an unreal space. It sounds very nice to say, “God loves me unconditionally”, but it can remain just a theory. How many of us really believe it at a deep level?
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True to Our Self?

Learning to value ourselves for who we really are, not by what we achieve

Most of our lives we’ve been formed around learning not to trust ourselves. “Not your way…This is the way,” is what we have been told. We may have been compliant as children and obeyed, or reactive, doing the opposite. But with both ways we were still reacting to the same external reference point.

It’s a risky business becoming more authentic, letting go of things that no longer fit us and following the things that give us life. Continue reading True to Our Self?